Our Vision and Mission
Our mission is to produce disciples who will reproduce disciples,
which will follow Christ and evangelize the entire world by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We see ourselves being a community of redeemed people with a great commitment
to live out the great commandment, by carrying out the great commission.
Vision means: To see. We see ourselves existing for four (4) reasons:
We exist for Evangelism (BRING). Evangelism will serve as the tool we use to bring people
into fellowship with Jesus Christ.
We exist for Discipleship (RAISE). Each member will be apart of a small group. These groups
will provide classes which will enable each member to grow in grace and knowledge of the Son
of God, and becoming mature and complete, and well equipped to serve God.
We exist for Ministry (TRAIN). Spiritual assessments will be administered to the members as
means of discovering their God given gifts. Once these gifts are discovered each member will be
part of a ministry team. These ministries will provide personal support, pastoral care, and
We exist for Missions (SEND). We recognize that each member is capable of showing God's
love in the world. Therefore, we will prepare each member for missions, whether it is in our
community or around the world with prayer and finances.