Deacons Ministry

Deacons provide support to the senior pastor, the congregation, and the Church members at all times.  Deacons are appointed and under the direct supervision of the senior pastor and consistently meets all following qualifications.  Deacons are confirmed by the body of believers through ordination.

Deacons are always servants of the Church, a man of God set apart for ministry and committed to living and serving based on scripture standards for a leader.  Deacons are of Godly character and are compassionate in recognizing and meeting the needs of others.  

Deacons are active in the programs of the Church and are faithful with their time, talents and tithes. Ensure every family and every member of the Church is loved and supported. Contributes to strengthening the unit of the Church.  Assists in reaching out to new attendees and follows through to minister new Church members.  Encourage use of spiritual gifts in the Church. 

Serve as the counsel to assist the senior pastor concerning the church progress and welfare.  Assist the senior pastor in ministering to the members. Consider and make recommendations to the church and resolve problems.